How To Make Sim Swap On Telkom

How To Make Sim Swap On Telkom

How To Make Sim Swap On Telkom

In a Nutshell

Whether you’re upgrading your phone, replacing a lost SIM, or switching to a different size SIM card, this guide will walk you through each step of the SIM swap process on Telkom. Here are the key insights you will discover:

  • Eligibility and prerequisites: Learn about what you need to prepare before initiating a SIM swap.
  • Step-by-step process: Find a detailed breakdown of the SIM swap procedure.
  • Common issues and solutions: Get answers to common challenges and how to troubleshoot them.

Table of Contents

  1. Understanding SIM Swap
  2. Eligibility and Prerequisites
  3. Step-by-Step Guide to SIM Swap on Telkom
    1. Gather Necessary Information
    2. Contact Telkom for SIM Swap
    3. Activate Your New SIM
  4. Troubleshooting and Common Issues
  5. Additional Resources
  6. FAQ

Understanding SIM Swap

A SIM swap allows you to replace your existing SIM card while retaining your phone number and account details. It’s often necessary when upgrading to a new handset, dealing with SIM card damage, or migrating to a different size SIM card (nano, micro, or standard).

Eligibility and Prerequisites

Before initiating a SIM swap, ensure that you fulfill the necessary prerequisites.
Account Verification: Be prepared to verify your identity. Telkom often requires identification like your ID, passport, or driver’s license.
Service Active: Make sure your current Telkom service is active.
Correct SIM Card Size: Check the SIM size required for your new device.

Step-by-Step Guide to SIM Swap on Telkom

Gather Necessary Information

Start by collecting all the required details for a smooth SIM swap.
– Your Telkom phone number
– Identification documents
– Old SIM card (if available)

Contact Telkom for SIM Swap

Get in touch with Telkom to initiate the SIM swap process.
– Visit a Telkom store: You can visit any physical Telkom store for assistance.
– Use Telkom Online Services: Navigate to the SIM swap section to begin the process.
– Call Telkom Customer Service: Dial their support number and follow their guidance.

Activate Your New SIM

After receiving your new SIM card, you’ll need to activate it.
1. Insert the new SIM card into your device.
2. Dial the activation number provided by Telkom and follow the voice prompts.
3. Your old SIM will be deactivated, and your new SIM will be active within a few hours.

Troubleshooting and Common Issues

Here are some common issues and their solutions:

  • Delayed Activation: If your new SIM takes longer than expected to activate, try restarting your phone or re-inserting the SIM card.
  • No Signal: Ensure your phone is set to automatic network selection. If that doesn’t work, contact Telkom’s support.

Additional Resources

For more information and useful tips:
Check out the Telkom SIM Swap Guide.
Learn more about SIM swap on
– For frequently updated information, visit Telkom’s official site.
– For industry insights, you may also want to check TechCentral’s guide on Telkom SIM swaps.


Here are some frequently asked questions on the topic:

  1. What is required for a Telkom SIM swap?
    • You need to verify your identity with an ID, passport, or driver’s license.
  2. How long does it take for the new SIM to activate?
    • It usually activates within a few hours but can occasionally take up to 24 hours.
  3. What should I do if my new SIM doesn’t work?
  4. Can I keep my phone number after a SIM swap?
    • Yes, your phone number remains the same after a SIM swap.
  5. What if I lose my SIM card?
    • Initiate a SIM swap as soon as possible to prevent unauthorized use.
  6. Are there any fees for a SIM swap?
    • Fees may vary; check with Telkom for the latest rates.

By following these steps carefully, you can successfully complete a SIM swap on Telkom with ease. For more assistance, referring to could provide further guidance.


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